Overweight Dog Help

Guidance on nutrition to support and maintain your pet's overall health and well-being.

Weight management is a growing concern that should be taken seriously and can be addressed through a multitude of different methods. Nutrition is an incredibly important factor when dealing with proper weight management. Ensuring you are feeding the correct amount for your specific pet is very important – remember that treats should comprise of less than 10% of your pet’s daily caloric intake. Encouraging healthy exercise is both rewarding for your pet and you!

When is a dog considered to be overweight?

When you are unable to feel your dog’s ribs under a thin layer of fat, and they lose the appearance of a waist and a tummy tuck. Your dog’s chest should be wider than it’s abdomen.

Are some breeds prone to obesity?

Yes, some breeds like brachycephalic dogs (pugs, bulldogs, etc.) are prone to obesity. Any dog is susceptible though for a variety of reasons, such as a poor diet (type, food or the amount ingested), low exercise levels and a general decline in mobility due to ageing.

Why should my dog have a weight loss consultation at the hospital?

Obesity in pets is a serious issue. Carrying additional weight can be strenuous to joints, especially in our senior patients. Excessive weight gain can also cause issues such as diabetes, heart disease and arthritis.

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