Surgery Service

From surgery to the process of recovery, ensuring your pet's safety is our utmost priority.

As an American Animal Hospital Association (AAHA) accredited clinic, we have implemented numerous safety measures to minimize the risk of anesthetic.

What types of surgical services do you provide for dogs?

We provide elective surgical services such as spays, neuters, lump removals, exploratory surgery and dentistries. Emergency surgical services are also provided during clinic hours. Orthopedic surgeries can be referred to a specialist in the area.

What do I need to do before bringing my dog in for surgery?

We admit our patients for surgery between 7:30 – 8:00 AM the day of the operation. They are required to be fasted (no food) after 10 pm the night before and cannot have water the morning of the surgery.

What is the process of events when my dog comes in for surgery?

We go over the estimate for the procedure with you and ensure you are clear on the procedure being performed that day. We hospitalize the patient, and our technicians perform an intake assessment. They then begin the process of performing diagnostics on the blood. We do this to evaluate whether the kidneys and/or liver are functioning properly before giving sedation.

Once the blood work is confirmed as being within normal parameters, the veterinarian performs their presurgical assessment. The dog then receives an initial dose of sedation that is meant to relieve any anxiety or pain they could be feeling while allowing us to place a catheter safely (this gives us venous access for fluid therapy, as well as quick access in the event of an emergency). We then provide an induction agent and intubate the patient. The dog is then moved into the room and the surgery is performed.

Finally, we recover the patient and offer food, water and cuddles once the dog has woken up. We then give you a call to let you know how the surgery went and let you know when you can pick them up.

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